



PeaNut Wars


treed something... I don't know what it is... It looks like a Groundhog, Cloudy! Where did you find a groundhog? Cloudy just jumped-Boing, raising cain at the poor tree-hog-Boing. The trapped beast nearly as big as cloudy herself just clung on for its hide-Boing. What an insult, groundhogs don't climb trees!!-Boing You'd climb a tree too if the crazy Cloudy-Ma came tearing out after you! Whew...

Thanksgiving Escape
there was a jail break on thanksgiving day, nearly twenty wild turkeys went for an afternoon stroll across the creek and up the hill in blatant protest of the seasonal depopulation activities. btw- they gave thanks for their freedom.
Measly Meeces
field mice have been sighted periodically running along the edge of the walls. They came in through a hole behind the oven, which has been sealed. With their escape rout blocked they scurry around steeling mouse chow, and dodging the poopies who are more than anxious to catch them. They eventually find themselves cornered and they duck into a roll of plastic laying behind the workbench. Thinking themselves safe from sniffing herders, they relax until the coast is clear. That's when the earthquake begins and hey figure out this was not the best place to hide, for they soon find themselves outside in the field across the street. Three so far have met a better fate than no. 4 who ended up in the stomach of a marauding aussie.

I wonder why they don't eat their food? I mused as I began the daily struggle to get my miserable beasts to eat. Come on... you liked this food last week! You know some dogs just like a variety in their diet. But then she seems awfully interested in what I'm doing when I am making dinner. Then I remembered when we used to make their food. I can hear them now..."I know that you have some turkey necks in there, right?" Then it hit me... My dogs were completely spoiled rotten!

Close Encounter
Gypsy went out for her usual afternoon potty break and... lo and behold -a MONSTER! A big black smelly monster! gypsy thought as she ran after it. Ii has obviously come to eat us! I must protect my family! Gypsy barked, ran and jumped and barked some more even though it was twenty times her size. The evil invader must have gotten the message... it turned around and slowly loped back home.
I came around the house from the barn and I spied a skink sunbathing on the porch. I watched him as I walked the steps expecting him to dart away. When It didn't I paused musing at what it was up to... it didn't move. I knelt down and moved in close. "It must be asleep", I thought as I reached out to touch it. Breathing slowly, it felt smooth & warm. Then it jerked around, I froze. It took a moment or two for it to wake up. Then it darted off the porch into a hole in the ground. I wonder what it was dreaming.
Nail time
Ah.. quiet time before bed, time to do my nails, munch, munch. I do my own nails because I don't trust any one else to do them for me. I just chew on them till there all nice and pretty.
I don't know why you other dogs want to look like slobs. My name is Maybelle or bella I am a mini border collie. I am dressed for bussiness in my tuxido suit. I'm an accountant, a smart professional lady and I need to look my best for work. Sometimes I count goats or sheep (they're kind of the same to me), or ducks and geese. I don't chase birds like that crazy aussie. I herd cats and dogs, and people sometimes. If I get bored I might count acorns or snap at flies (I hate flies). I like to sneak up on my opponents, hiding behind or under things, especially at night in the shadows... Pounce!
Half hound, half chihuahua, bitsy is a permanent gang lord, she can't walk on a leash, can't sit still, loves to play chase and keep away especially keeping herself away from home. She loves hunting and eating mice. Chasing cats, birds or her tail fails utterly. But she keeps on trying.
She has personally appointed herself DogieLamma, running from kennel to kennel. Preaching the difficult yoga of liberation. Teaching others how to escape from their human prisons. Herself a master of the art, she was born in the high animal class of the hound. Divinely gifted with smallness and a cunning brain, she sought freedom through yogas of digging and climbing. Naturally independent of humans, once liberated she fed herself, thus disproving the myth of human kindness. Bitsy is forever the master of disguise. She loves to impersonate Goats, Cows, Horses, Geese, Cats and chickens (in that order).
Poopie naps
Ahhh. time for poopie naps, everyone else is crashed on the couch, under the table, I'm taking the bed. mommy and daddy are busy or gone, nothing to chase, no treats forthcoming, snuggle down to dreamland... ahhh dreamland, hello treat venders, dozens of mommy and daddy laps, lets herd some cats... great fun but were here for big game. I am sniffing out the elusive nocturnal black poisonous hare. This rabbit is as big as I am. They don't like water but they do like gardens. I like to catch them off guard. Enter through the tomatoes, sneak past the peas, creep buy the cabbages, and just on the other side of the broccoli. Munch... munch... what the!... Screeech!! Oh No! he's charging, I'm walled in by the corn... whahh, uh huh? oh daddy person you saved me. That giant rabbit almost ate me! wheew! what a dream.